Saturday, April 11, 2009

Good Bad Ugly

Finally I did it. Got the confirmation call for IIML. Good.. I will be a manager in 2 years time from a premier institute.
Life is all set. Will make new friends.. No more office headache.. College life that I was missing so much after engineering
will be back. It may not be same though. Good that the dream I saw some 3 years ago has finally come true. It was so good to
call home and tell my parents about this. So good to have that feeling of having achieved something. Good to know that
so many friends and relatives feel proud today and are so happy for me. Can there be anything bad at this point of time....

It feels bad to end 4 years old association with my company. Company where I had grown both at personal and professional fronts.
Shall miss my cubicle, team treats, football sessions and all my colleagues.
Back to studies now :(. Dunno after a break of 4 years, how tough it is going to be to attend the classes, do assignments,
surprise tests, what not..
I made so many friends in the past 4 years. Some really so close to my heart. Shall miss all of them.
And ya no monthly credit of the salary now. :(

Last day at my company.. Dunno how bad it will be to say good bye to some of the close ones.
Final meeting with friends, say good bye, turn back and travel back home through those streets perhaps for the last time..

1 comment:

  1. life has really gone full cycle for the ever cheerful lad when it mattered the most.
    what more one could have expected in these volatile times and you did prove your mettle.
    The spirit is rejuvenated and our captain is again leading from the front.

    And since, you have put my all time favorite Clint Eastwood Good, bad and Ugly to describe the moment, i'm obliged to ask you "which unknown grave to dig for the "fortunes of success" ?"
